03. Initial Setup

03. Initial Setup

From the Main Menu in QuoteSoft Pipe, the following buttons will take you to pages that need to be set up with your data and discounts, to accurately price and labor your takeoff.

Please complete this data setup before continuing through the rest of the QuoteSoft Pipe Tutorial. Your QuoteSoft trainer will walk you through the following items to ensure your labor and material is set up and discounted correctly.


  • Configuration Page – System tab
    • Input your company name

    You need to input your contact info into the program so the reports will reflect your data.

    • Unlock labor book PHCC and/or MCAA
    • Select default labor book

You need to choose either MCAA or PHCC labor as a basis for your jobs. You purchased one or both of these industry standard labor books with your program.

  • Configuration Page – Login tab
    • Set up your user accounts and passwords

You can password protect and set up secure login accounts to control who can access each part of the program.

Labor Factors

  • Title each labor factor column.
    • Examples: New Construction, Remodels, Hospital, Change Order, Intel
  • Set labor factor for each group (using column functions).

You need to name and set individual labor factors (discounts) for each group of items. MCAA and PHCC labor is set to justify change orders most situations discount 10% to 30% from these figures.

Material Multipliers

  • Title each material multiplier column.
    • Examples: New Construction, Remodels, Hospital, Change Order, Intel
  • Set material multiplier for each group (using column functions & Excel export).

You need to name and set individual material multiplier (discounts) for each group of items. Harrison national pricing is the list price for each item. Most contractors have discounts of 10% to 50% from these figures.

Harrison Pricing Update

  • Download and install E-Office program from Harrison (www.hph-e-office.com, 60 day free trial).
  • Export a BOM to your computer from E-Office.
  • Import BOM into QuoteSoft Pipe.
  • Schedule regular BOM pricing updates from E-Office.

You need to maintain your list pricing in QuoteSoft Pipe. The simple way is to set-up an E-Office account to update the latest material pricing into your QuoteSoft Pipe program. A 60 day free trial of E-Office was included with your QuoteSoft Pipe purchase. On the Main Menu, QuoteSoft Pipe will show you how old your pricing is, e.g. “You last loaded a Harrison Price update on 3/8/2007 10:54:17 AM”.

Visit www.hph-e-office.com to get started with pricing and downloading BOM updates.

After the initial set-up of this data for Harrison Pricing Updates, Material Multipliers, and Labor Factors, it is your responsibility to schedule time each month for regular maintenance, updating and adjusting of price and labor data.

If you have any questions, please call QuoteSoft Training at 1-800-813-7020.

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