Working with Custom Fields For Your Directory

Working with Custom Fields For Your Directory

Custom fields can be added, edited, or deleted from your private directory as needed to help you better organize your contacts and/or potential bidders, including any unique values associated with that custom field (e.g., bondable, WMBE). Once created, you can also search for bidders by applying it as a filter, or you can add it as a custom field to a specific contact in any of your directory lists.

Creating a Custom Field from the Application Administration Panel

To create a custom field, begin by going to the Application Administration panel (gear icon), then click on Directory. Next, click on Create Custom Field (shown below).

Create Custom Field from Admin Panel - Directory

You will see a new window appear. Enter the unique Field Name, Field Description, Field Type, and Values for that field type.

Field types can be Single Select (one drop-down option for that field), Multi-Select (a series of checkboxes, allowing you to select more than one option for that field), Text (an open box that allows you to add custom text), Date, Numeral (any other types of numbers that are not a date or currency), or Currency.

The example below shows the custom field “Bondable” with a single-select option with the values “yes”
or “no”.

Sample Custom Field - Bondable

Once you have made your selections and named your field, click Create Field. You will see a confirmation message that your new Custom Field has been created, and the new field will appear in a list of available fields to help manage your private directory contacts (shown below).

Editing a Custom Field

You can edit a custom field from one of two places: the Application Adminstration Panel or within your Contacts in your private directory.

Editing a Custom Field - Administration Panel

Once you have created a custom field, you can easily edit the name or the associated values for that field. Start by selecting your custom field and clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the custom field name (shown below).

A new editing window will open. In the example below, the Field Name, Field Description have both been edited, and a new Value has been added.

After you make your changes, click Save Changes.

Note: You will not be able to edit the field type. All other fields - name, description, or the associated field type values - are editable.

Once you have saved your changes, you will see a confirmation message, indicating that your changes have been saved in the system.

Editing a Custom Field - Directory Contacts

Once you have created your custom field, you can also edit it for those contacts you have associated with that custom field. On your contacts' record, you can see that contact’s associated custom fields under the About section for their company as below.

From here, you can choose to edit their custom fields by clicking on the Edit button in this section.

Once you have clicked on the Edit button, a pop-up window will appear. Click on Custom Fields.

Once you have made your edits, click Save. Your edits will immediately be reflected in the system.

Deleting a Custom Field from the Application Administration Panel

If you no longer need a custom field, you can also delete it. Click on the name of your custom field. You will see a trash icon to the right of the name of your selected custom field (shown below).

Next, you will see a pop-up window, confirming that you want to delete the selected custom field. Click Yes, Delete Field to delete your custom field, or Cancel to cancel out the action.


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