03. Main Menu

03. Main Menu

The first screen you will see after logging in will be the Main Menu. This truly is the center point for navigation throughout QuoteSoft Pipe. This screen allows you to access sections of QuoteSoft Pipe.

Check out the Main Menu viewer! Watch for new information. Quote Software will send you messages about program updates and other issues.

The following sections explain the buttons on the left side of the Main Menu.

Job File

The Job File button gives you access to the list of jobs in the program. This is where you add and modify jobs.

You can access the list of Jobs two ways: you can select  from the Main Menu or you can click on the Jobs tab at the top of the screen.

The Job File screen is explained in detail later in this Reference Manual.


The Database screen manages over 70,000 unique items used in the mechanical trade! For rapid lookup, each item is classified by having a unique Family, Group, Class, and optional Type hierarchy. You can access the Database screen two ways: click  on the Main Menu or click  on the Job List screen.

When you first open the Database screen, only the Family is shown. After you select a Family (e.g. Pipe), a list of Groups appears. After you select a Group (e.g. PVC), items in the Class appear, etc. The following screen is an example of the Family, Group, Class, and Type. All Database items are accessed this way, although some may require more or less selections.

Viewing Items

To select an item such as a 1/2″ 150# Black Malleable Tee, select the Family (Fittings), Group (Black Malleable), Class (150# Black Mall Threaded), Type (Tee), and Item(Size) (1/2″).

Once you select the Item (Size), the Item screen appears.

The Item screen contains the following fields:

Other SizesThese are all the sizes that are available for this item.
DescriptionSize and description of item as it will appear in printouts.
Piece CountQuantity per item. (Usually this is one.)
SizeUp to four sizes for an item.
ShowChecked box means size will be displayed.
Joint GroupFrom the Joint Family in the Database1
Joint ClassA subset of the Joint Group1

List Price

Per the manufacturers’ list shown2 (Enter ‘Q’ for Quoted).
Part NumberPer the manufacturers’ list show.


LF = lineal feet or Each.
Material Multiplier GroupName of group where list prices are discounted.
ManufacturerCompany that publishes list price.
Last UpdateDate of manufacturer’s published list.
Lock Item from UpdatesCheck to protect user-modified items.
Supplier CodeSupplier code (used by Quote Software Inc. for pricing updates).
Accounting CodeOptional user code (will not be affected by updates).
Shipping Weight (lb.)Available for most items.
Labor HoursPer unit labor rates (Enter ‘N’ for N/A)
Labor Factor GroupName of group where labor rates are discounted.
PictureAvailable for most items

1 – When SPEC is displayed as the Joint Group or Joint Class, the joints remain undefined until set up into a Global or Job Spec.
2 – When QUOTED is displayed, price will require a quoted value at the time of job calculation.

Database Item Sizes

On the left side of the Item screen, notice there are “Other Sizes.”

These “other sizes” are all the sizes that are available for this item. These are the sizes that appear in Specs as small dots when you add a job and then create specifications for that job. Notice on the screen below the large dots as well as the small dots. The small dots are the sizes from the database. The large dots are the sizes that you select for the job that you are working on. (You select the specific sizes when you modify Specs.)

Viewing Next and Previous Items

Once inside the Item screen, the next and previous Items (within the same Family, Group, Class, and Type) can be accessed by selecting  and  respectively.

Adding Items

New items can be added:

  1. Select the Family to which the item belongs. (Note that new Families cannot be created.)
  2. Select the Group to which the item belongs. Select  to create a new one. When creating a new Group, you are prompted to enter the Description.
  3. Select the Class to which the item belongs. Select  to create a new one. When creating a new Class, you are prompted to enter the Name. (Some Families may also require a Joints to be entered.)
  4. Select the Type to which the item belongs. Select  to create a new one. When creating a new Type, you are prompted to enter the Description and Takeoff Position.
  5. Select  to add the new item. Enter the item data and click . (Note that the Description is a required field that MUST be filled in.)

Copying Items

You can copy the Group, Class, or Item. If you'd like to copy the Group, select the Family and then select . Type in the new description.

You can also copy the Class. Select the Family and Group; then select .

The program asks if you'd like to copy the Class and all its Types and Items.

Linking Items

QuoteSoft Pipe contains a special link feature which allows you to place an existing item in multiple locations within the Database. The primary purpose of linking items is to allow multiple size references to the same item (such as hangers, bolts, joints, etc.) Under normal circumstances, you will not use this feature in routine maintenance of the data.

  1. Select the Family, Group, Class, and Type location from the Database screen.
  2. Select  on the Item screen.
  3. Choose the Family, Group, Class, and Item of an existing item to link with. Select  and a new item is created which is a link to the existing item.

Removing Items

Items you add to the Database can be removed as follows:

  1. Select the Family, Group, Class, Type, and Item from the Database screen.
  2. Select  from within the Item screen. (You will be asked to confirm the removal.)

Exercise caution when removing items. Once an item has been removed, it cannot be restored.

NOTE: Items installed by Quote Software Inc. are permanent and cannot be removed.

Editing All Items

QuoteSoft Pipe contains a special feature that allows you to rapidly change the price and/or labor hours of all items within a single Family, Group, Class, and Type. To use this feature, select  from the top of the Database screen. A grid will be displayed that allows you to change information for all items from a single screen.

You can change the columns in yellow by entering new values from the keyboard. As in the case of single items, a dollar amount of QUOTED can be entered using the letter ‘Q’. Your default labor rate is displayed initially but can be changed using the buttons at the top of the screen.

Global Specs

Global Specs are specifications that are available to all jobs and all users. This is a place where you can put all your specifications that you ever want to use.

To help speed up your implementation, Quote Software has provided you with 45 pre-built specifications. You can select one of these specifications and modify it to closer match your company's specifications. You will learn more about Specs later in the Reference Manual.

From the Global Specs, you can quickly review all your specs. You can add a new spec, open a spec, rename, delete, or copy a spec.

Global Specs are available to all jobs. For example, when you create a new job and want to add a spec, go to the Spec screen and select Copy. Click on  and all your Global Specs appear.

Labor Factors

To access the Labor Factor table, click  from the Main Menu or at the top of the Job List screen, click Global > Labor Factors.

The Labor Factors table displays a list of all labor groups in the system.

To assign multipliers to Labor Factor Groups, click the multiplier in the appropriate group and under the desired title. Type in the new value and press Enter.

You can sort the order of the groups either by the Group Name or by the Code. Select Group Name at the top of the group name column to sort alphabetically by the group name. Select Code at the top of the code column to sort alphabetically by the code.

The following information is contained about each group:

Labor SourceChoose between Quote or User.
Group NameThe name of the Labor Factor Group as it appears in the Global Spec.
CodeA six-digit reference code used in some printouts.
Labor FactorsOne of up to four factors for each of four sets of labor rates, which are applied to all items within the Labor Factor Group.

Adding/Renaming/Removing Labor Groups

New Labor Factor Groups can be added to the Database to accommodate data added to the system.

To add a new Labor Factor Group, click . Fill in the desired Discount Group and Code and then click . The new group will be sorted alphabetically.

Labor Factor Groups can be renamed as desired.

NOTE: You cannot rename or remove the Global Labor Factor Groups that were shipped to you from Quote Software.

To rename an existing group, select the Group Name and click