Template New Tab
To open any link in a new tab, preserving your position in the current article, just hold down the <CTRL> key on your keyboard before clicking the link or click using your mouse wheel.

Template New Tab

The New Tab button on the Templates Ribbon bar looks like a manila folder with a green plus sign over it

The New Tab button allows you to add tabs to the template desktop. These tabs allow you to organize your assemblies, tool, parts, and other items into useful groups. You can also export and import tabs between jobs.

1. Select the New Tab button to open a new tab.

2. Enter a name and update the storage location if desired.

3. When you are done, click the OK button. Your new tab will be available at the top of your desktop.

When you click on the New Tab button, a new tab is added to the templates screen and a pop-up opens so you can rename it.

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