01. Welcome

01. Welcome

Welcome to the QuoteSoft Duct Setup Guide. This Guide will give you a general overview of QuoteSoft Duct set up and use. The Guide is designed to be used alongside the Users Guide to help you set up the program and get estimating quickly and accurately.

Main Menu

After logging into the system, you will see the Main Menu. This screen is the center point for navigation throughout the program. Using the buttons on this page will allow you to set up your labor and material prices as well as start inputting jobs and viewing the reports.

 The Job File is the gateway to the Takeoff program. In order to create a job takeoff you will have to setup Zones and input information about the job. Use the Job File to assist in organizing your estimates and final bid sheets.

 The Job List will allow you to sort and search for jobs. This list is fully customizable to your own workstation. For example, you can have only the Job Name shown to you or you can choose to include a Bid Date, Estimator Name, etc.

 The Data Files and Pressure Class tables are all located in the Setup Menu. You will be able to create setups for any type of work needed as well as have an unlimited number of Pressure Class Tables. You can also reach the Catalog, Item Options, and Central Options files from the Setup Menu.

 Common technical support issues are available under the Maintenance page as well as a utility to help backup the Jobs and Data Files in the system. The Maintenance page also stores all program installers making reinstallation of utilities a simple process.

 The Administration page will allow you to create new user accounts and assign their privileges. Each user can have custom settings enabling them full access to the system or the Administrator can customize groups to add the users to.

 For an on-screen version of the program’s guide, click the User Guide button. Having the guide available electronically allows users to search for common terms such as Joint Connectors and Hangers for specific instructions on setup and use of those components.

Setup Menu

Before we begin our Setup Exercises, a basic overview of the setup menu and the related pages is in order.

The better that you understand how the system is interconnected, the simpler the setup process will be. All Pressure Files are connected to the Data File for the component (metal, vanes, liner, etc.) pricing and labor hours.

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