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Settings Tab: General
The General Settings page allows you to make several choices about your overall settings in PlanSwift.
Select General from the list.
1. When checked, PlanSwift automatically opens the job you had open the last time you closed the program.
2. When checked, PlanSwift automatically opens to the first page of a job when you open that job.
3. When checked, PlanSwift automatically opens to the last view you had open the last time you had a job open.
4. When checked, PlanSwift automatically removes its license when you exit the program.
5. When checked, PlanSwift uses the proxy settings from Internet Explorer for the network address of the intermediary server used between the browser and the Internet.
Other settings
English - Select Display and Entry units in either English or FIS.
Metric - Select the default unit of metric measurement mm/cm/m/km.
Language - Select the language PlanSwift should display. (Changing the language changes the user interface, not things that were already built in English. For example, existing templates and items remain English, only those created after making this change would be saved in the selected language.)
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