C. Data File - Labor Rates

C. Data File - Labor Rates

Labor Rates are the dollar per hour used in the Labor Cost calculation. There is no limit to the number of Labor Rates you can have in QuoteSoft Duct.

There are two lists on the Labor Rates page. The top list holds the name of the Labor Rate and the bottom list holds the dollar per hour value.

Labor Rates are broken up into sections:

  • Rectangular Rates
  • Round Rates (see Round Labor Rates below)
  • Oval Rates
  • Catalog Rates

Each section has the Labor Rates broken up into the labor process.

  • Coil Line or Spiral Machine Rates
  • Fab Rates (fittings)
  • Install Rates
  • Other Rates (material handling, truck load/unload, etc)

Click New, Edit or Duplicate to add or modify Labor Rates.

Round Labor Rates

The round labor rates section has a Diameter field in the middle of two sets of labor rates. This diameter field can be set as a designation to have the program use a different set of labor rates. Here is an example image.

In the image above, the 46 in diameter is the designation to use the labor rates below it. So for example:

  • Spiral pipe up to 45 inches in diameter will be calculated with $65 per hour
  • Spiral pipe 46 inches and larger in diameter will be calculated with $72 per hour

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