J. Data File - Reinforcements
Reinforcements can be internal or external and on Rectangular or Round. The Data File has pages for Rods (internal), Angle (external), and Angle Rings (external). There are no limits to the number of reinforcements you can setup.
1. Reinforcement Rods
The rod setup is for internal stiffeners used to reinforce the duct or pipe. You will need to setup labor and material prices.
Click New, Edit or Duplicate to modify the rod information.
Select a Reinforcement Rod and click Edit to modify the per rod setup.
Name – the name of the rod assembly to be used
Scrap % - the amount of scrap percentage to be added in rod length calculations
Price Each – the cost of the rod connectors
Price / Ft – the cost per foot of the rod material
Labor per Size – the labor to attach the rod to the duct item, per side
Factor Attach – if the duct is lined, you can have a factor percentage added
Fab / Rod – labor to fabricate the rod
Lbs / Ln. Ft – the weight per foot of the rod material
2. Reinforcement Angles
The angle setup is for external reinforcing of the duct items. You will need to setup labor and material costs for the angle and the attachment process.
Click New, Edit or Duplicate to modify the Angle information.
Select an Angle Reinforcement and click Edit to modify the per angle setup.
Name – the name of the angle being used
Scrap % - the amount of scrap percentage to be added in angle length calculations
Price Each – an amount to use for the angle in addition to the per foot cost
Price / Ft – the per foot cost of the angle
Attach Ft / Hr – the labor needed to attach per foot of angle
Attach Each – labor to attach each angle in addition to the per foot labor
Fab Ft / Hr – fabrication labor per foot for the angle
Fab Each – fabrication labor used per angle in addition to the per foot angle labor
Lbs / Ln Ft – pounds per lineal foot of angle material
3. Reinforcement Angle Rings
The angle ring setup is for external reinforcing of the round duct items. You will need to setup labor and material costs for the angle rings and the attachment process.
Click New, Edit or Duplicate to modify the Angle Ring information.
The Angle Ring page has two lists. The top list has the names of the Angle Rings to be used and the bottom list has the Cost, Labor and Weight of the Angle Ring.
Use New, Edit or Duplicate in the top list to add or modify an Angle Ring. Use the Export and Import buttons in the bottom list to modify the Cost, Labor, or Weight of the Angle Rings.
Cost – the material cost for the angle ring
Fabrication – the labor hours used to fabricate the angle rings or to attach the angle rings in the shop
Weight – the additional pounds to add for the angle ring
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