Duct Assembled Option
Duct Assembled Option
In the Advanced Duct version 4.1.2 program, the Classic FabShop feature to quote straight duct as assembled or non-assembled is available. This option will allow the user to remove the assembly labor from all straight duct.
By default, the program will include duct assembly labor on all zones created. If the Assembled option is enabled the user can uncheck the option and upon recalculating the job total the assembly labor will be removed from the estimate. The labor values that will be removed are:
Seam Assembly Labor
Seam Seal Labor
Joint Attach Labor
Reinforcement Rod (side 1 and side 2) Attach Labor
Reinforcement Angle (side 1 and side 2) Attach Labor
The below articles are to be used to set up and modify the Assembled option
, multiple selections available,
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